Golden Retriever Buddy, age 13, has known Hannah Foraker, her best buddy, her entire life. But Hannah joined the army when she turned 21 and reported to Oklahoma for basic training.
As Hannah said goodbye to her closest friends, including Derby, her horse, and Buddy, her heart wrenched. Therefore, Hannah was eager to see Buddy when she came home for Christmas after being away for three months. And Buddy was eager to meet her!
Buddy was a puppy when Hannah acquired her. Buddy is currently quite elderly, arthritic, and largely deaf. She still welcomes Hannah with the nicest reception ever, though, despite everything. She places her head in Hannah’s lap and starts sobbing as soon as she sees Hannah.
This video is very amazing and touching. Have you ever witnessed a reunion like that? Over the years, we have witnessed several military and canine reunions, but this one is sure to give you a BIG squeeze to your heart. The instant these troops who are protecting our freedom return home, their Best (Fur-Friends) are there to welcome them with open paws because dogs never, ever forget.
Some of the films we’ve seen and shared for our readers have served as a good reminder that dogs do, in fact, offer “unconditional love” in the world. It serves as a reminder that we should take excellent care of our greatest companions, and there isn’t a creature more devoted than a dog.